時間:2019-06-03 13:55 分類:游戲名字 作者:阿雜 咨詢大師
格仔衫 | 帆布鞋
Checkered shirt | canvas shoes
Dreams and | city and don't
手放開 | 就不放
Hand let go |
草丶干枯 | 花丶落盡
Grass, | flowers, all dried up
伴我老 | 陪我終
With my old | end with me
夢以碎 | 心憔悴
Dream with broken | heart gaunt
不了情 | 非了心
No affection | of the heart
Hold me tight | warm me
失足鳥 | 白玫瑰
Stumble bird | white rose
夜、不寐 | 食、無味
Night, not mei | food, tasteless
scar丶莫離 | scar丶莫棄
Scar, don't leave scar, | don't abandon
陪他鬧 | 陪她笑
With him make | with her smile
天安靜 | 地安靜
Day | quiet quiet
Hey, baby | hi, hani
絕城歌 | 傾城戀
Unique city song | city of love
舍、自由 | 拋、落寞
S, free | cast, lonely
是久伴 | 是深愛
With | is the deep love is long
Away from the soul music. | hit.
不高興 | 笑一個
Not happy | a smile
靠他肩 | 撫她臉
On his shoulder | stroke her face
Silence. | said.
你很鬧 | 你慣得
You have very | you spoil
怕不能 | 怕錯過
Afraid can't | afraid miss
夢中夢 | 里中你
In the dream dream | in you
得心咒 | 失心咒
Loss mantra | mantra
三分情 | 七分騙
Three points | seven points cheat
爛好人 | 濫好人
Bad guy | anti-hunting campaigners
怪叔叔 | 恐龍妹
Strange uncle | dinosaur younger sister
ぁ一個人|ぁ 一座城
ぁ one | ぁ a city
踏、雪行 | 尋、梅情
Step, snow line | search, mei
莫、小仔 | 莫、小妞
| mo mo, small boy and girl
夏暖海 | 冬涼心
Warm sea | summer and cold winter
大笨熊 | 小笨熊
Big Ben bear | small clumsy bear
嫁我嗎 | 娶我吧
Marry me | to marry me
悲 、 若 即 | 殤 、 若 離
If distresses, namely | ruin, if off
失眠癥. | 失憶人.
Insomnia. | amnesia.
你、不來 | 我、不走
Can't you, |, I will not go
貍不開 | 桃不掉
Everthing don't open | peach
新人笑 | 舊人淚
New appointee smile | tears
你好胸 | 賤無敵
Hello chest | mean invincible
一月情 | 六月雨
January | rain in June
靠近你 | 溫暖我
Near you | I warm
你會膩 | 我何必
You will be bored with | why should I
Little fool came | little fool ♀
她的夢 | 他的夢
Her dream | his dream
陪你追 | 待你歸
Accompany you | to you
ゆ 雞蛋黃 | ゆ 雞蛋白
ゆ yolk | ゆ egg white
The sunflower. | hin collector.
瀟灑灬哥 | 瀟灑灬姐
Natural and unrestrained 灬 elder brother | natural and unrestrained 灬 elder sister
特別傻 | 特別呆jsylc.cn
Special silly | special stay
舒小姐 | 楊先森
Miss shu | Yang Xiansen
夢旅人 | 孤旅人
Dream traveler | lonely journey
木子兮 | 木子軒
Teil teil | hin
天然呆 | 自然萌
Stay | nature of natural
To be not moved heart | less painful
一個人 | 一座城
A person | a city
暖如心 | 涼如冰
Warm as heart | cool as ice
入他城 | 念她夢
Into his city | read her dream
天可黑 | 人可變
It can be dark | variable
我姓趙 | 我心燥
My name is zhao | my heart is dry
東風(fēng)灬坡 | 西廂灬曲
Dongfeng 灬 slope | west wing 灬 song
看清了 | 看輕了
See the | looked down
窺視者 | 跟蹤人
Peepers | tracking
好先森 | 好姑涼
Good first sen | gu is cool
醉酒濃 | 醒夢空
Drunk thick | waking dream
Such as month, | writes to tears,
九命貓 | 七秒魚
Nine lives a cat fish | seven seconds
始于他. | 結(jié)果呢.
Begins with him. | results?
Quiet day, | quiet,
天注定 | 誓不悔
Days destined | oath not regret
風(fēng)兮雨° | 淚未眠°
Certainly didn't ° wind xi rain ° | tear
゛她的王 | ゛他的妃
゛ her king | ゛ his princess
無欣厭 | 守花枝
No hin anaerobic | cuttlefish
陌丶尛染 | 陌丶尛冉
Stranger, 尛 dyeing | stranger, 尛 ran
別紅眼* | 你有我*
Don't red eye I * * | you have
憇丶憇圈 | 棒丶棒餹
Circle of disquietness pulsating throughout, disquietness pulsating throughout | rod, rod 餹
同呼吸- | 共命運-
- | the advocacy -
三生石 | 三世緣
Stroke of stone edge | iii
小幸福 | 小情緒
Small happiness | small mood
單眼皮" | 雙眼皮"
Single-edged eyelid "| double-fold eyelid"
絆人心- | 何相識-
The heart - | any acquaintance -
深擁你. | 抱緊我.
Deep hug you. | hold me tight.
裝天真 | 裝幼稚
With the naive | juvenile installed
望你喜 | 佑你安
Hope you happy | guard you
Small sun ◣ | ◢ sunflower
扯、不斷 | 撕、不爛
Pull, constantly | to tear, not bad
久遇你 | 初見你
For a long time meet you | seeing you
し injury up | し can't afford to injury
花似毒╮ | 毒刺骨╮
Flowers like poison ╮ | ╮ poison bitter
夢與途 | 城與別
Dreams and | city and don't
生不對 | 死不起
Born not | death
萬人嫌 | 千人憎
Ten thousand people too | ten thousand people hate
淺時光 | 淡年華
Shallow time | light mood
溫柔虐 | 溫柔夢
Gentle abuse | tender dream
偽君子 | 假女人
Hypocrite | false woman
霍去病 | 辛棄疾
Huo qubing | xin qiji
可勁瘋 | 何棄療
Can strength the mad | how to refuse treatment
小蘋果 | 大菠蘿
Small apple | big pineapple
愛、永恒 | 戀、英世
Love, eternal love |, England
忒愛鬧! | 怪我鬧!
Te noisy! Ring | blame me!
伊人淚 | 伊人醉
Iraqis tears | she drunk
- 可愛王 | - 霸氣妃
- lovely king | - domineering princess
秀恩愛 | 遭天譴
| show love by the scourge
亂了心 | 空了島
The empty heart | the island
妞灬唯愛 | 寶灬摯愛
Girl 灬 only love | 灬 treasure love
陪他笑 | 看她鬧
With he | see her smile
丿若情花 | 丿水韻草
If 丿 feeling flower | 丿 shui yun grass
失心瘋 | 失心控
Loss of heart crazy | heart control
我礙你 | 我橫你
I hinder you | I cross you
瘸子 | 瞎子
The lame | the blind
別回頭 | 別后悔
Don't look back | don't regret
望你城 | 妄你城
Hope you city | jump you city
擾我心° | 入我夢°
The one my heart ° | ° into my dreams
Pain silent ゛ | love galling ゛
陪、他笑 | 伴、她鬧
Accompany, he | companion, she smile
小太陽 | 向日葵
Small sun | sunflower
薄荷心 | 檸檬心
Mint | lemon hearts
失于心 | 止于命
Lost in heart | check in life
好怕黑 | 我是光
Good afraid of the dark | I am the light
新人笑 | 舊人哭
New appointee smile | cry
踮腳吻 | 低頭抱
On tiptoe to kiss | bowed their heads and arms
乄牽灬佐手 | 乄拉灬佑手
乄 灬 with their hands | 乄 灬 on hand
我想妳 | 硪愛你
I think you | I love you
Love does not change | love is constant
ゞ 小情調(diào) | ゞ 小曲調(diào)
ゞ little emotional appeal | ゞ little tune
傻、小子 | 傻、丫頭
Silly, | silly, girl, boy
裝、矜持 | 假、正經(jīng)
Outfit, reserved | false, serious
犀悧滒↘ | ↙ 溫柔妹
Sister rhinoceros 悧 滒 ↘ | ↙ tenderness
活稿子 | 死編輯
Live draft | editor to death
ゆ 大白菜| ゆ 小白菜
ゆ cabbage | ゆ pakchoi
離心痛 | 失心瘋
Centrifugal pain | lost heart mad
伴誰久 | 愛誰懂
Who with long | who understand love
冷顏哥 | 詩顏姐
Cold YanGe YanJie | poetry
溫暖你 | 靠近我
Warm you | close to me
醉、他城 | 夢、她鄉(xiāng)
Drunk, his city | dream, her hometown
Say丶再見 | Say丶不見
Say, goodbye | Say, see
爛人情 | 亂人心
Bad | disorderly the heart
海未眠 | 夜未央
Hai long | night not ended
慢慢聊 | 慢慢老
Slowly talk | slowly old
Love season. | season break up.
情濃時 | 思別難
Feeling thick | think don't hard to do
怎為你° | 只紅香°
How ° for you | red fragrance °
韻、海萱 | 音、浪蕭
Rhyme, sea xuan | the sound wave, shaw
我心酸 | 我心涼
I'm sad | my heart is cool
ゆ 土豆絲 | ゆ 蘿卜絲
ゆ black bean | ゆ shredded radish
-臺閣傾 | -殤歌落
Wounds - leaves pour | - song
The little warmth. | small tender feelings.
吃到老 | 睡到老
To the old old | sleep and food
藍,洛寞 | 粉,淺陌
| powder blue, los obscure, shallow stranger
If the heart | will be pain
生、相隨 | 死、相伴
Birth, hand |, accompanied by death
In the summer of warm sea * * | winter cold heart
未成年 | 未成熟
Minor | immature
苦、咖啡 | 熱、牛奶
Bitter, | hot coffee and milk
夢亡海 | 葬空城
Dream Dead Sea | buried city
Lover heart | chi person tears
不要哭 | 我心疼
Don't cry | my heart